Notícias da easyMarkets

Últimas notícias sobre produtos, eventos e serviços da easyMarkets

Começa a Copa xBar 2025

Desde 2020, construímos e fortalecemos uma forte colaboração com nosso parceiro patrocinado, o Real Madrid, que só tem crescido a ... read more

A easyMarkets foi premiada como “Melhor Corretora Regulamentada” pela Smart Vision Summit - África do Sul 2024

Temos o prazer de anunciar que a easyMarkets foi nomeada a “Melhor Corretora Regulamentada” no Smart Vision Summit 2024 na África do Sul. Depois de ad... read more

Apresentando o Pro Trader Altitude

Estamos entusiasmados em apresentar o Pro Trader Altitude - um clube de associação de negociação premium criado para traders pro... read more

easyMarkets becomes Real Madrid's Official Online Trading Partner

easyMarkets is excited to announce its future partnership with one of the most recognizable teams in the world and 2020 La Liga ... read more

easyMarkets obtém licença da FSCA, reforçando as operações de negociação na África do Sul

Nós da easyMarkets estamos entusiasmados em compartilhar nosso mais recente marco regulatório: a obtenção de uma licença da Financial ... read more

Descubra a easyMarkets IA: Uma olhada detalhada em nossa mais recente mudança de paradigma

Estamos entusiasmados em apresentar a IA da easyMarkets, nossa mais recente inovação revolucionária, que foi lançada oficialmente! ... read more

Navegando no segundo trimestre de 2024: tendências de negociação e triunfos da easyMarkets

A easyMarkets relatou um desempenho robusto no segundo trimestre de 2024, impulsionado por altos volumes de negociação em ouro e Na... read more

Navegando no primeiro trimestre de 2024: tendências e triunfos das negociações da easyMarkets

A easyMarkets compartilhou algumas notícias interessantes sobre as atividades de negociação de seus clientes durante o primeiro trimestre de 2024. Foi... read more

easyMarkets encerra o Campeonato Bernabéu Crossbar com momentos inesquecíveis e prêmios generosos

A easyMarkets tem o prazer de anunciar o encerramento bem-sucedido do nosso Campeonato Bernabéu Crossbar, realizado em colaboraçã... read more

easyMarkets Anuncia os Vencedores do Campeonato Bernabéu Crossbar

No espírito de competição e conquista, a easyMarkets tem o orgulho de apresentar os quatro distintos traders que garantiram seus títulos como Campeões... read more

A easyMarkets lança a série "E se”? Série de artigos em cinco partes explorando cenários alternativos de mercado

easyMarkets tem o orgulho de revelar sua nova e intrigante série de conteúdo "E se?", composta por cinco artigos cuidadosamente elaborados que exploram cenários... read more

easyMarkets coroada como a melhor corretora de Forex/CFD no TradingView Awards 2023

A easyMarkets tem o orgulho de anunciar que, em seu 23º ano no setor, foi homenageada com o título de Melhor Corretora de Forex/CFD no TradingView Broker Awards de 2023, ... read more

Balanço financeiro de fim de ano e projeções para 2024

Se alguém tivesse nos perguntado em 2022 como veríamos o ano de 2023, nunca teríamos imaginado que ele seria como foi. Mas vamos ser honestos, esse é o caso da ... read more

Horário de funcionamento no feriado

A temporada de festas está quase chegando, o que significa que haverá algumas mudanças em nosso horário de negociação habitual. ... read more

Começa a temporada de lucros do 3° trimestre de 2023!

Bem-vindo ao início de uma nova temporada de lucros – 3° trimestre! Embora as ações dos EUA em geral apresentam melhor desempenho n... read more

easyMarkets apresenta campeão da barra transversal do Bernabéu - Atire para os $1.000.000

As notícias estão fervilhando e temos um passeio emocionante pela frente. Prepare-se para as últimas atualizações! ... read more

Trigo, Milho, Soja e Cacau. O que o futuro de curto prazo reserva para essas commodities.

Ultimamente, começamos a ver cada vez mais manchetes sobre várias commodities e como elas são afetadas por tudo o que ... read more

How is the Internet Reacting to the ESMA Regulations?

ESMA has put the final nail in binary options coffin – which let’s be honest everyone knew it was coming. What the internet wasn’t expecting was ESMA bringing down their... read more

São 1:2000 horas!

A alavancagem de 1:2000 está agora disponível com a easyMarkets no MT5! Servindo como uma das plataformas multiativos mais poderosa... read more

Começa a temporada de ganhos do 2º trimestre de 2023!

Começa a temporada de ganhos do 2º trimestre de 2023! A temporada de ganhos trimestrais está quase chegando e, apesar de muitos problemas con... read more

Petróleo Bruto – Perspectivas de Médio a Longo Prazo

A situação até agora Na história do comércio de petróleo, abril de 2020 será lembrado como o dia e... read more

Interesse de compra moderada no Bitcoin? Uma perspectiva de médio a longo prazo

2020-21: O Boom de compra de Bitcoin Se 2021 foi um ano espetacular em que o mundo cripto atingiu novos patamares deslumbrantes, 2022 foi uma ... read more

Começa a Temporada de Ganhos do 1º Trimestre de 2023!

Q1 Earnings Season Is in Full Swing! Todo mundo adora um bom plot twist, e o 1º trimestre deste ano entregou a esse respeito! Com abril se aproximando do fim, a... read more

índices Monetários Agora disponível na easyMarkets!

A easyMarkets tem o prazer de anunciar que está lançando outro novo produto com a introdução de índices monetários, dando aos clientes ... read more

Começa a Temporada de Ganhos do 4º Trimestre de 2022!

2022 não foi um bom ano para o mercado de ações. Na verdade, foi o ano de pior desempenho desde 2008! Os três principais índices do... read more

A easyMarkets vai premiar 10 traders com pacotes de prêmios incríveis!

Nossa competição Negocie Como um Campeão terminou agora! Ao longo de dois meses, os traders lutaram para ganhar um incrível pacote de prêmios. E depois de uma competi... read more

Negocie e ganhe uma viagem dos sonhos ao Estádio Santiago Bernabéu!

Nossa competição Negocie Como Um Campeão está de volta! E estamos dando alguns prêmios incríveis, com nosso melhor trader recebendo uma viagem dos sonhos ao Santiago Bernabéu para ... read more

Temporada de ganhos do Q3'22 começa: Espere volatilidade!

A temporada de ganhos começou oficialmente, e parece ser um período emocionante para os traders! Com ações já voláteis este ano, a ... read more

Nova Temporada de Ganhos, Novas Oportunidades de Negociação

Estamos no meio de 2022, e é seguro dizer que foram seis meses agitados na bolsa de valores. Uma combinação de inflação alta, taxas ... read more

A easyMarkets premia traders com 14 pacotes de prêmios do Real Madrid!

Para celebrar a vitória do Real Madrid na Liga dos Campeões nesta temporada, lançamos nossa própria competição especial! Ao longo de 30 dias, traders participaram da nossa co... read more

Ganhe prêmios incríveis em nossa competição como um campeão

O Real Madrid é campeão da Europa… de novo! Depois de vencer o Liverpool em uma final emocionante, o Real Madrid já conquistou 14 títulos da Liga dos Campeões. E para... read more

A easyMarkets lança MT5 com spreads variáveis

A easyMarkets mais uma vez lança um produto com ainda mais opções de trading para clientes. Nossa enorme coleção de plataf... read more

Anunciados os vencedores da competição de trading

A nossa última Competição de Trading do Real Madrid já terminou. Todos os nossos competidores deram o seu melhor, mas houve cinco traders que ficaram por cima e... read more

Começa a temporada de ganhos do 1º trimestre!

O final de abril marca o início do primeiro trimestre de ganhos de 2022 e as coisas estão levemente… voláteis. Os problemas da correntes logísticas ainda ... read more

Ganhe um prêmio em dinheiro de $ 10.000 ou ganhe uma viagem VIP para Madrid!

A easyMarkets está mais uma vez dando aos seus clientes uma excelente experiência VIP para comemorar o final da temporada da La Liga 21/22 e nosso segundo ano como Pa... read more

Using easyMarkets dealCancellation to Trade Friday’s NFP Report

5 January 2017 The global financial markets started the year off with a bang on Tuesday, as traders poured into US stock indices, the dollar and even precious metals in the first active ses... read more

easyMarkets Keeps Trading Conditions Unchanged for the US Elections

7 November 2016 Industry innovator easyMarkets assures traders of no changes to their trading conditions ahead of the US elections. Global markets have already seen a lot of volatilit... read more

easyMarkets Gets the Nod, Twice, From Global Banking and Finance Review

24 October 2016 Global Banking and Finance Review recently announced the 2016 winners of the finance awards and gave the nod to easyMarkets for the Best Trading Platform UK and the Best Tra... read more

US Election Shocks the Markets, easyMarkets Trading Conditions Stay Firm

11 November 2016 US voters delivered a surprising result making Donald Trump the 45th President of the United States of America. The markets, which were expecting a Clinton victory, reacted... read more

easyMarkets Clients Safe In Case Of An Italian Brexit

29 November 2016 The Italian Referendum on December 4th is set to be a huge day for the markets but with talk of volatility, instability and even an Italian Brexit how can you trade it safe... read more

easyMarkets Introduces Fear Index (VXX) To Its Trading Platform

6 December 2016 Volatility is a central feature of the global financial markets and as a trader, you may either fear it or aim to capitalize on it. By offering a CFD on the CBOE Volati... read more

easy-forex is Completing transition to easyMarkets

14 December 2016 easy-forex has been a leader in the forex industry since 2001. We’ve grown to offering over 300+ markets to trade - not just forex. Now we offer forex, commodities, v... read more

2016 end of year review

22 December 2016  2016 is coming to an end and it’s been an incredible year. A year filled with market shocks, volatility and one which even inspired our latest eBook &ndash... read more

Stay Protected with easyMarkets when UK Prime Minister Triggers Article 50 on March 29th

24 March 2017 The first big economic event of 2017 has arrived and easyMarkets is prepared! Coming March 29th, article 50 will be triggered as announced by UK Prime Minister Theresa M... read more

How easyMarkets Traders Can Prepare for Trump’s Inauguration

19 January 2017 On Friday, Donald Trump will be officially sworn is as the 45th President of the United States. Experts believe it may be a highly volatile event, with some forecasting a &l... read more

Wilders Election Win Could Reshape EU

14 March 2017   With the Dutch election taking place tomorrow the 15th of March, the European Union (EU) could potentially be heading for another crisis of legitimacy as the far-... read more

easyMarkets Launches a New Unique Tool - ‘Freeze Rate’

03 April 2017 We are proud to launch “Freeze Rate” * another industry first which allows you to freeze a desired rate before making a buy or sell decision, for free. &ldqu... read more

easyMarkets at FxCuffs Poland – What an “eye-opening experience”

07 April 2017 Our team came back from their March 24th-25th weekend with big smiles (albeit a little tired) after meeting and interacting with hundreds of you who visited our booth a... read more

easyMarkets New Trading App is Out!

26 April 2017 The next step of the easyMarkets trading experience is here; our brand-new trading app! We are celebrating a new milestone at easyMarkets with the release of our fast, s... read more

easyMarkets announces the FxCuffs competition winner

12 May 2017 We are happy to announce that Bogusław Inglot is the winner of an iPad Air 2 following our FxCuffs Expo competition. In March, easyMarkets’ team attended the FxCuffs... read more

Follow the Discover Trading Video Series by easyMarkets

Since our launch in 2001, we have been helping beginners discover trading and succeed. In almost two decades our educational programs have evolved, and the Discover Trading video series is... read more

Congratulations to Cyprus’ Euromath 2017 Contest Winners

  The easyMarkets team would like to congratulate the students of Linopetra High School in Limassol who competed and won in the pan-European Euromath competition. Young researche... read more

Exciting Changes on the easyMarkets Trading Platform

  We are excited to announce that we have integrated our vanilla options platform with the easyMarkets platform to make trading even simpler. The aim of this integration w... read more

easyMarkets Launches CFD Trading on the World’s #1 Cryptocurrency

With the addition of the Bitcoin CFD, easyMarkets’ clients can now trade the newest financial asset class, cryptocurrencies. Following record gains posted by Bitcoin and other cryptoc... read more

easyMarkets Proud Sponsor of RS:X Youth World Windsurfing Championship 2016

3 November 2016 Pioneering online broker, easyMarkets will be sponsoring the RS:X Olympic Windsurfing Class Association’s RS:X Youth World Windsurfing Championship 2016. Organise... read more

easyMarkets Donates To Centre For Children With Special Needs

As a part of its global social responsibility, the easyMarkets international teams are pleased to work with a number of locally based charities. The latest charity donation of €... read more

easyMarkets Extends Product Range for dealCancellation | October Holiday Trading Hours

5 October 2016 Pioneering online trading provider, easyMarkets launched their groundbreaking risk-management tool in September 2016 that allows traders to cancel losing deals within 60... read more

Trading the Brexit with Options – A Unique Opportunity

There are few events that come along during a trader’s lifetime that are truly awe-inspiring. George Soros had his Black Wednesday on September 16, 1992 and walked away with $1.5 bil... read more

Multiple CNH (Renminbi) Products for Trading

25 June 2013 easy-forex® have once again delivered a first for the forex industry by offering CNH trading against the euro, Australian dollar and Japanese Yen, as well as the US do... read more

Enabling Traders to Trade Any Market They Want With More CFDs

06 May 2014 easy-forex, launches an expanded portfolio of Contracts for Difference (CFD) offering. Traders can now access even more indices, metals and commodities allowing them to take adv... read more

Expanding Our International Product Portfolio With an Australian Focus

10 May 2014 easy-forex launches the online trading of key Asia-Pacific indices as part of its extended contracts for difference (CFD) product offering. Traders now have easy access to the A... read more

Meeting Trader Demands for More Precious Metals

09 September 2014 easy-forex, responds to traders’ needs and launches an expanded trading portfolio of precious metal markets and derivative instruments. Getting the edge on most... read more

Russian Ruble Joins Products Family

09 September 2014 Pioneering online trading company, easy-forex, has just added the Russian ruble to its already extensive list of currencies available for retail trading. Clients can now t... read more

Reassuring Clients On Swiss Franc Fears

16 January 2015 Thursday’s announcement by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to end its three year cap on the Swiss Franc (CHF) sent the currency soaring skywards leaving many brokers and... read more

Welcome to easyMarkets

For 12 years, online trading pioneer easy-forex has strived to provide you with awesome products and services. Now, in 2016, we want to take you to a whole new level of online trading. ... read more

Japanese Elections - its business as usual with easyMarkets

While most brokers are increasing margins and changing trading conditions for JPY crosses - ahead of the Japanese general elections happening on the 22nd of October, easyMarkets and its clients&r... read more

Memorial Day

27 May 2016 Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the USA that usually takes place on the last Monday of May. It remembers all those who died on active military service. And though it is an ... read more

ASX Index Trading Hours for Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations

09 June 2016 Did you know that Queen Elizabeth II has two birthdays? The date of her birth is 21 April but her official birthday is on a Saturday in June every year. Read below to find out ... read more

The making of dealCancellation

28 September 2016 easyMarkets recently launched a first for the online trading industry with a new and innovative product that allows traders to cancel losing deals up to 60 minutes of open... read more

easyMarkets Stands Firm For Brexit Traders

15 June 2016 The countdown to Brexit has begun and one thing’s for sure... whether you believe the UK will “Leave” or “Remain”, the markets are sure to ... read more

easyMarkets Weathers the Brexit Storm & Keeps Its Promise to Clients

24 June 2016 The Brexit referendum result is in and the UK public has spoken – 48.1% voted to stay in the European Union and 51.9% voting to leave meaning a BREXIT will take pl... read more

easyMarkets launches dealCancellation – an industry game changer

27 June 2016 easyMarkets just launched a new feature on its trading platform that many are considering an industry game changer. dealCancellation allows clients to ‘cancel&rsqu... read more

easyMarkets Reassures Turkish Lira Traders

18 July 2016 Following last week’s shocking events in Turkey we would like to update and reassure you of our ongoing commitment to your trading safety. What Happened in T... read more

Trading on Swiss National Day

28 July 2016 easyMarkets would like to inform traders of an instrument change affecting the SWISS 20 on August 1st 2016 which is Swiss National Day. Swiss National Day is the national... read more

Trading the NFP with Guaranteed Stop Loss

02 August 2016 Fundamental traders will be looking to this Friday’s Non-Farm Payroll (NFP) release as an opportunity to take advantage of this market moving event. The NFP is pa... read more

easyMarkets Releases September Market Watch

25 August 2016 Evdokia Pitsillidou, Risk Associate, easyMarkets Forex and CFD broker easyMarkets asked its top analysts what they’ll be looking out for in the markets this comin... read more

easyMarkets celebrates 30 NFP Winners on Facebook

01 September 2016 This Friday easyMarkets will announce the 30th winner of its long-standing ‘Guess the NFP’ Facebook competition. Every month, without fail, they have awarded a... read more

easyMarkets Chinese Family Visits HQ for Mid-Autumn Festival

  14 September 2016 easyMarkets HQ in Limassol, Cyprus welcomes this week our staff from the Shanghai marketing office. They’ll be bringing the traditional Mid-Autum... read more

5 Reasons the Financial Markets Need dealCancellation

The financial markets can be an intimidating place for retail traders. The advent of computer-based trading programs and algorithms have introduced so much volatility in the market that it’... read more

easyMarkets gives back to the community

Today we visited the PASYKAF headquarters, it was a deeply emotional and humbling experience meeting the passionate staff that give so much to comfort so many people.     ... read more

dealCancellation Now Gives You 6 Hours to Undo Trades!

Well-established CFD broker easyMarkets, upgrades one of its more popular tools Limassol, Cyprus: easyMarkets ... read more

Bitcoin on MT4

We had a great response from our customers when we introduced Bitcoin to our roster of tradable instruments. This inspired us to take our offering a step further and optimize our clients’ t... read more

easyMarkets expands offerings, adds New US Shares

Continuing our mission to offer the best trading experience in the market we have further expanded the list of products we offer to include 12 new and e... read more

easyMarkets awards top trader with $10,000 Prize!

The Latest Edition of our Trade Like a Champion Competition has finished! All of the competitors put up a great fight and made some amazing trades. ... read more


We refer to our previous communication related to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (“ASIC”) release of the ASIC’s Product Intervention Order Instrument 2... read more

easyMarkets Adds Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin and Stellar!

easyMarkets is very happy to announce the addition of three more cryptocurrencies to its existing selection of instruments. The three new exciting virtu... read more

Enter Our Limited-Time, Real Madrid Merchandise Raffle

As the 2020-2021 La Liga season draws to a close on what will be another successful season for Real Madrid (we hope!), we’re celebrating by launching ou... read more

easyMarkets expands offerings on MT4, adds Shares

Continuing our mission to offer the best trading experience in the market we have expanded the list of products we offer on MT4 to include U.S. and Euro... read more

easyMarkets Adds BVI License

We are thrilled to announce the acquisition of our BVI License. This allows us to offer our services to even more clients in a regulated and secure way.... read more

easyMarkets Limited-Time, Real Madrid Merchandise Raffle has concluded!

Our End of Season Trade Like a Champion Raffle has concluded after 45 days! We’d like to thank everyone that entered and congratulate the prize package ... read more

easyMarkets Launches a New easyTrade Feature - ‘Payout Target’

easyMarkets Launches a New easyTrade Feature - ‘Payout Target’ easyMarkets is delighted to announce the launch of a brand ... read more

easyMarkets Launches Cryptocurrency Account Funding

easyMarkets is very excited to announce that our clients can now deposit and withdraw in six different cryptocurrencies. T... read more

easyMarkets Gives Away Thousands of Dollars in Prizes including Round Trips to Madrid!

easyMarkets is once again giving their clients an outstanding VIP experience to celebrate the beginning of a new season and our second year as Real Madrid C.F.’s Official Onl... read more

Trading Competition September Winners Announcement

The First Edition of our Trade Like a Champion Competition has concluded! We had some amazing moments, with exciting trades and a tight race to the top ... read more

easyMarkets Integrates with TradingView

easyMarkets is very happy to announce its integration with the TradingView platform. Now our clients can access TradingView’s social network for traders... read more

Q3 Earnings Season & easyMarkets Brings Huge Value Add to Clients

Earnings Season is an exciting period for traders and easyMarkets has once again launched multiple products and services to help their clients during th... read more

easyMarkets Adds an Additional 6 New Cryptos!

As part of our ongoing commitment to offer clients the best selection of trading instruments, we’re happy to announce that we’ve added six high-performi... read more

easyMarkets adds Zcash, Polygon, Dash, Dogecoin and OmiseGO

easyMarkets is very excited to announce the addition of five more popular cryptocurrencies. These new cryptos give our clients even more choice when tra... read more

easyMarkets awards traders with incredible Real Madrid prizes!

Our latest Real Madrid Trading Competition has now finished. All our contestants put up a great fight, but there were five traders who came out on top a... read more

easyMarkets adds more cryptos to easyTrade

easyMarkets is always on a mission to offer their clients the best possible trading experience. After successfully integrating Bitcoin with the easyTrad... read more

Our VIP Clients Get More!

Deposit to Enter Our Limited Time, Real Madrid Raffle Real Madrid has the chance to win their first trophy of the season w... read more

Q4 Earnings Season Kicks Off!

Q4 earnings season is underway, and it looks likely that many companies will end the financial year reporting record-breaking profits. Strong monetary a... read more

easyMarkets Adds More Cryptos!

easyMarkets is very excited to announce the addition of three exciting high growth cryptocurrencies. You can now trade: ... read more

Possible easyMarkets Imposters

It has come to our attention that certain fraudulent entities are either posing as easyMarkets or falsifying their affiliation with us. ... read more

US Elections: Protect Yourself During Volatility with These Trading Conditions

The US Elections are considered a high risk and high volatility event, and although volatility can increase opportunity – it can a... read more

easyMarkets launches the crypto-markets’ best kept secret - Ethereum and Ripple.

  The crypto markets are the new frontier of trading, we have seen unprecedented movement – from astonishing peaks to abrupt crashes – behaviors and movements no other inst... read more

easyMarkets First LATAM Seminars

This past month easyMarkets sponsored an exciting series of events in Colombia. This gave us the opportunity to meet new traders, affiliates and partners. We also had the unique chance to meet fa... read more

easyMarkets launches bold website revamp and updated brand

easyMarkets launched its revamped website, with a simplified yet bold aesthetic. Working with two award winning brand and marketing consultants the easyMarkets marketing team developed, ref... read more

ESMA Regulations Official easyMarkets Statement

easyMarkets, a well-established financial service provider founded in 2001 offering CFD trading and investment across multiple global markets, fully supports, welcomes and complies with ESMA&rsqu... read more

New innovative trading product launched - easyTrade

easyMarkets has officially launched its latest trading innovation – easyTrade. Based on diverse vanilla options, this new product allows easyMarkets clients to trade without margin requirem... read more

Tighter Cryptocurrency Spreads

easyMarkets is proud to announce even lower spreads on Bitcoin, Ripple and Ethereum. The three most popular cryptocurrencies in the world were introduced to our clients in 2017. D... read more

easyMarkets Now Speaks Spanish

Continuing our efforts to make our services, products and website accessible to as many global cultures as possible, easyMarkets has added a Spanish language option. This adds to our existing sel... read more

Spreads On Cryptocurrencies Now Even Lower

easyMarkets is proud to announce that we have once again lowered spreads on Ripple and Ethereum. These popular cryptocurrencies were introduced to our clients in 2017. During that time cryptocurr... read more

Social Login Enabled on

easyMarkets clients can now sign in using their Google or Facebook accounts. As part of easyMarkets ongoing mission to offer their clients the most user-friendly and intuitive experience this log... read more

easyMarkets Enters Exciting New Sponsorship Agreement

easyMarkets has entered an exclusive front-of-shirt sponsorship agreement with the historic Spanish football club Real Betis Balompié. ... read more

Important Announcement about easyTrade

Following recent web publications we would like to announce that we have no affiliation with EasyTrade FX. Our product named easyTrade is pure coincidence and was based on the fact that it ... read more

easyMarkets Launches Shares

We are very excited to announce that Shares are now availabl... read more

Trade Like a Champion Competition

In honor of the beginning of La Liga’s 2020-2021 season, easyMarkets has launched a championship of their own with a $10,000 USD C... read more

easyMarkets Announces New Lowers Spreads

Continuing easyMarkets mission to offer an exceptional online trading experience to its clients, it has recently announced new lower fixed spreads. This essentially lowers the overall costs when ... read more

What Investors Look For During Earnings Season

Earnings season is a greatly anticipated time for traders and investors. To add to the excitement of potential rapid price changes, the season brings with it a torrent of forecasts, analysis’ and... read more

How investors can beat negative interest rates

In the beginning of March the FOMC unexpectedly cut rates by 1.5 percentage points bringing U.S. interest rates to a range of 0.25 an 0, causing investors to fear that this could usher in a new p... read more

Q2 2020 Earnings Season Beginnings

This quarter’s earnings season will likely be unlike any previous one. We have experienced historic volatility, a completely new reality, unbelievable p... read more

May Market Volatility

All hands-on board for easyMarkets since May marked exceptional and historic volatility. We ensured that our clients were ... read more

We Kept Our Promise: Price Transparency Guarantee

We are proud to announce that during the high level of volatility experienced in the past few months, easyMarkets kept a promise it made to its clients.... read more

Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs

Starting in 2012 Easy-forex initially entered a seven-game agreement Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs as the team’s shorts sponsor. ... read more

Vanilla Options Integrated on easyMarkets Trading Platform

Working to further optimize our products, and responding to their clients’ feedback, easyMarkets has integrated Vanilla Options into their trading platf... read more

easyMarkets Expands Client Protection With New License

easyMarkets new FSA Seychelles license expands the company’s already robust regulatory framework. The new license is in addition to the easyMarkets ‘two... read more

Revolutionising the Industry with the Launch of Bank Options Trading

14 May 2013 easy-forex has just opened up the beta version of its new online bank (vanilla) options platform to the world. The platform takes options trading to a new level of simplici... read more

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