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Dołącz do zróżnicowanej i międzynarodowej rodziny easyMarkets. Ciągle szukamy nowych ludzi do zespołu – ceniących doskonałość, charakter, motywację i pasjonujących się rynkami finansowymi.

VIP Client Relationship Manager - EM296

Overall Purpose of Role:  An exciting opportunity to join a dynamic Retention team with fantastic training and learning opportunities. Responsible for effectively leading the Client Retention function...

Client Relationship Manager - EM297

Overall Purpose of Role: easyMarkets is seeking a fluent Japanese speaker to join the retention team to be involved in designing and implementing processes and systems that extend the client life cycl...

Senior QA Manual Engineer - EM295

Overall Purpose of Role: This is a great opportunity for an individual to continue their career as part of a dynamic team with plenty of opportunities for learning and growth. As a QA Manual Engineer,...

Junior Risk/Dealing Officer

Overall Purpose of Role: This is an exciting and challenging role wherein the main responsibilities are to study and assist in managing our exposure to various risks. The ideal candidate will be finan...

Retention Agent MENA - EM289

Overall Purpose of Role: Join our dynamic team as an Arabic speaking Retention Agent and become a driving force in our mission to exceed client expectations and fuel our Company's success! Your role i...

Risk/Dealing Officer - EM287

Overall Purpose of Role: This is an exciting and challenging job which will “expose” the successful candidate to various aspects of the Forex Business. The ideal candidate will be financially savvy, r...

Business Development South Africa - EM282

Overall Purpose of Role: This is an exciting opportunity to join one of the world's leading online trading brokers to direct and execute strategies aimed at the expansion of the Company's offline part...

Systems Administrator - EM284

Overall Purpose of Role: EasyMarkets, an international financial company headquartered in Cyprus, is seeking to recruit an IT Systems Administrator to join our IT Team. The successful candidate will b...

Business Development Manager MENA - EM280

      Overall Purpose of Role: This is an exciting opportunity to join one of the world's leading online trading brokers to direct and execute strategies aimed at the expansion of the Company's offlin...

Business Development Manager India - EM281

      Overall Purpose of Role: This is an exciting opportunity to join one of the world's leading online trading brokers to direct and execute strategies aimed at the expansion of the Company's offlin...

Regional Business Development Manager (Brazil) - EM232

Propósito geral da função: Esta é uma oportunidade emocionante de se juntar a um dos principais corretores de negociação online do mundo para direcionar e exe...

Regional Business Development Manager (Japanese) - EM184

このポジションの全体的な目標: 世界でも有数のオンライン取引ブローカーの一員として当社のオフラインパートナーのプログラムを管理・実行するという、ワクワクするようなチャンスです。easyMarketsでは、次のいずれかの地域の言語のネイティブスピーカーであり、その地域における事業開発を進めていただける方を募集しています:アフリカ、中東またはアラビア語圏、南/東アジア。 主な業務と責任: 新規事業の...

Regional Business Development Manager (Chinese) - EM186

此职位的主要工作范围: 这是一个令人兴奋的入职机会,加入世界领先的线上交易经纪商之一,按照公司的运营策略,扩大公司的线下合作伙伴业务。易信easyMarkets诚聘来自中国或者台湾地区的业务开发经理。   主要工作及职责: 寻找新的商业机会,组织商业拓展活动,发展和管理重要客户关系 管理和执行业务发展策略和实施策略计划,满足并超越公司的业务扩展期望 根据公司策略拓展商业渠道 开发高净值...

Regional Business Development Manager (Arabic) - EM187

الغرض العام من الوظيفة إنها فرصة مشوقة للانضمام إلى وسيط من وسطاء التداول عبر الإنترنت الرائدين في العالم، لإدارة وتنفيذ استراتيجيات تهدف إلى توسيع برامج شراكة الشركة خارج الإنترنت. تبحث إيزي ماركتس ع...

Future Vacancies - EM01

If your profile does not match any of our current openings, please register your details here for future vacancies. ...

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